EMDR is a safe and effective way to reprocess past events and heal old wounds at the root, so you can let go of toxic thought patterns and blossom into a life worth living! EMDR uses a structured 8-phase model with Bilateral Stimulation (BLS) to activate the Adaptive Information Processing capability of the brain that gets blocked with some negative or traumatic experiences. This technique alone is most effective for single-event traumas.
IFS is a non-pathologizing, somatic/experiential therapy facilitating the emergence of the healing presence of the deeper Self, allowing it to unblend with multiple parts (or ego states) within. This “unblending” is what actually makes room for more internal connectedness and calm. IFS is especially powerful for developmental trauma and attachment wounds associated with treatment-resistant symptoms, as it is deeply respectful of and sensitive to the pacing and defenses of the most scared and resistant parts of us.
IFS-Informed EMDR
Infusing IFS work with the Bilateral Stimulation of EMDR deepens the sense of intimacy in the relational healing of “parts work,” strengthening your system as you tap into deep wisdom of “Self” to heal the wounds of parts of us who feel tired, abandoned, lonely, and desperate. The IFS model brings a warm and welcoming energy to the structure of EMDR reprocessing, helping to reduce defenses and enhance the internal trust of your system, so the memory reconsolidation work can be accomplished smoothly and completely.